National Judges as European Union Judges

Knowledge, Experience and Attitudes of Lower Court Judges in Germany and the Netherlands

Tobias Nowak, Fabian Amtenbrink, Marc Hertogh en Mark Wissink 9789490947330 | 1 edition, 2011


This work is the outcome of a research project on the application and enforcement of EU law by national judges. The project focused on the experiences of national judges in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) and the Netherlands and its aim is to understand the processes surrounding the application of EU law. Furthermore, the role of national judges as decentralized EU judges is examined. The research shows that EU law still has limited impact on the type of cases tried. The book makes several recommendations to foster the application of EU law.

Target group

This book will be of interest to the judiciary in the EU and academics.

Author's information

The research project was originally granted to Fabian Amtenbrink, Professor of European Union Law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Marc Hertogh, Professor of Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Groningen and Mark Wissink, Professor of Private Law at the University of Groningen. Thereafter the research group was further strengthened by the inclusion of Dr. Tobias Nowak, lecturer in Political Science at the University of Groningen and principal researcher of the project.


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